Network Marketing statistics as of 2013, alarming stats!

May 3, 2014




Accelerated baseball in Utah

January 5, 2010

Hello everyone! I am back and I thought that I should fill you in with a little more information on the accelerated baseball scene.

 If you are looking to put your child  on an accelerated baseball team you are going to need to know where to go to obtain a tryout (yes, I said tryout). You see, in the accelerated realm of b-ball your child will need to be seen by the head coaches of these specific teams first and if they do well they may be asked to join the team. It is definitely  a different way for you child to get noticed, and if they have ever played all-stars in their city leagues, your chances of getting on one of the accelerated teams is a lot greater. 

 You will need to visit sites like and  to look at their tryout/want ads within the sites. I will go over this in more detail later, until then……

2010 Season almost underway

December 29, 2009

You are all probably wondering when the 2010 little league B-ball season is going to be starting whether it be city league or accelerated leagues. If you are like me, I have a boy that is on an accelerated team and you probably already have him or her practicing right? But, for those who are wanting to sign their child up in a city ran league, they normally will have sign ups in the month of February and march. Keep an eye out for banners, postings at schools, local grocery stores and public recreation centers for more information, sometimes your local city schools will send your child home with a flyer that will have details on where and when. For those looking to have a child on an accelerated team there are several ways to obtain that info. and I will go over that next time. Until then…..